Replaced - Car Horn - 12V (pair)


  • Model: COM-10966
  • Shipping Weight: 0.57Kg
  • 0 Units in Stock

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Description: Your project can demand attention with these super loud car horns. Yes, they're actual car horns and they're every bit as loud as you remember them being when you pulled out in front of that angry driver this morning. They're also pretty power-hungry, you're going to need to source a good couple of amps to drive these to maximum loudness. We managed to toast a zero-ohm link that we were using as a jumper wire within a few seconds running two of these horns. On the plus side, we were able to drive two of these to startling loudness with one of our 11.1V Li-Poly batteries.

Obviously we can't stop you from doing any of the irresponsible things that you're thinking of doing right now, and we wouldn't want to, but do keep in mind that getting up-close and personal with a car horn can be a hearing-changing experience.

Note: These are sold as a pair.


  • Rated Voltage: 12V
  • Rated Current: 8A
  • Sound Level: 95 - 110db

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