Micro USB FTDI Buddy


  • Model: SPL-011101
  • Shipping Weight: 0.016Kg
  • 7 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: SpikenzieLabs

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Description: The SpikenzieLabs Micro USB FTDI Buddy is our new USB to serial UART that uses FTDI's new FT230X chips. The FT230X is a small pin count package which makes the Micro USB FTDI Buddy both extremely small and affordable!

Use the Micro USB FTDI Buddy anywhere you can use a FTDI cable. For example.: Upload Arduino sketches to Arduino compatible boards that do not have on board USB. Such as; The Sippino 328, Prototino Minuino and many others! Or use the Micro USB FTDI Buddy with our free Serial to MIDI software and the Drum Kit Kit AI to create a low cost MIDI drum controller.

The Micro USB FTDI Buddy data pins breakout into the standard FTDI cable style pinout. For maximum flexibility the included pin headers (90 degree male and female) do not come soldered on. This way you can choose which works better for you or even hardwire the Micro USB FTDI Buddy to your project.


  • Very small size (19x16mm)
  • Micro USB jack
  • Standard FTDI cable style pinout
  • Breadboard friendly 0.1" breakout
  • UART interface support for 7 or 8 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits and odd / even / mark / space / no parity
  • Data transfer rates from 300 baud to 3 Mbaud.
  • RX and TX status LEDs
  • 5 volt USB pass through
  • Jumper pad selectable 3.3 volt output
  • 3.3 volt logic
  • Data-in is 5 volt tolerant
  • Includes both 6 pin 90 degree male and female headers



FT230X Spec sheet


FTDI (VCP) Virtual COM Port Drivers


MIcro USB Cable
Attaching the pin headers requires: Soldering iron and solder.

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