
Product Image Item Name- Price
Adafruit BME280 I2C or SPI Temperature Humidity Pressure Sensor

Adafruit BME280 I2C or SPI Temperature Humidity Pressure Sensor

DESCRIPTION Bosch has stepped up their game with their new BME280 sensor, an environmental sensor with temperature, barometric...

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Adafruit MPRLS Ported Pressure Sensor Breakout - 0 to 25 PSI

Adafruit MPRLS Ported Pressure Sensor Breakout - 0 to 25 PSI

Description: We stock a few barometric pressure sensors, great for altitude and weather measurements. This pressure sensor is special because it...

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Anemometer Wind Speed Sensor w/Analog Voltage Output

Anemometer Wind Speed Sensor w/Analog Voltage Output

Description: An anemometer is a device used for measuring wind speed, and is a common weather station instrument. This well made anemometer is...

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Barometric Pressure Sensor - BMP085 Breakout

Barometric Pressure Sensor - BMP085 Breakout

Description: This is a breakout board for the Bosch BMP085 high-precision, low-power barometric pressure sensor. The BMP085 offers a measuring range...

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Geophone - SM-24

Geophone - SM-24

Description Need to put your finger on the pulse of the Earth? Did I just blow your mind? A geophone works by translating ground movement into...

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HIH6130 Humidity Sensor Breakout

HIH6130 Humidity Sensor Breakout

Description: It's not the heat but the humidity that gets you, at least that's what they say. Really, both are important, what you need is a sensor...

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HTU21D BMP180 BH1750FVI Three sensors in one

HTU21D BMP180 BH1750FVI Three sensors in one

Description: HTU21D BMP180 BH1750FVI Three sensors in one Features: The HTU21D is a low-cost, easy to use, highly accurate, digital humidity...

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MPL3115A2 - I2C Barometric Pressure/Altitude/Temperature Sensor

MPL3115A2 - I2C Barometric Pressure/Altitude/Temperature Sensor

This pressure sensor from Freescale is a great low-cost sensing solution for precision measurement of barometric pressure and altitude. The MPL3115A2...

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MPL3115A2 Altitude/Pressure Sensor Breakout

MPL3115A2 Altitude/Pressure Sensor Breakout

Description: Life has its ups and downs, so why not measure them? The MPL3115A2 is a MEMS pressure sensor that provides Altitude data to within 30cm...

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Optical Dust Sensor - GP2Y1010AU0F

Optical Dust Sensor - GP2Y1010AU0F

Description: Sharp's GP2Y1010AU0F is an optical air quality sensor, designed to sense dust particles. An infrared emitting diode and a...

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Soil Hydrometer

Soil Hydrometer

Description: This moisture sensor can be used to detect soil moisture. When the soil is dry, the module outputs a high level, otherwise it outputs a...

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SparkFun Barometric Pressure Sensor Breakout - BMP180

SparkFun Barometric Pressure Sensor Breakout - BMP180

Description: This is a breakout board for the Bosch BMP180 high-precision, low-power digital barometer. The BMP180 offers a pressure measuring range...

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Weather Meter Kit

Weather Meter Kit

Description: Whether you're an agriculturalist, a professional meteorologist or a weather hobbyist, building your own weather station can be a really...

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