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Product Image Item Name- Price
Adafruit Assembled Data Logging shield for Arduino

Adafruit Assembled Data Logging shield for Arduino

Adafruit worked hard to make a well-designed data logging shield that is inexpensive but a well-rounded design. Not only is it easy to assemble and...

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Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2.3 Kit

Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2.3 Kit

Description The original Adafruit Motorshield kit is one of our most beloved kits, which is why we decided to make something even better. We have...

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Adafruit Proto Shield for Arduino Unassembled Kit - Stack - R3

Adafruit Proto Shield for Arduino Unassembled Kit - Stack - R3

Description: This prototyping shield is the best out there (well, we think so, at least), and now is even better with Version R3 - updated for the...

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Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger Shield - Includes GPS Module

Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger Shield - Includes GPS Module

Brand new and better than ever, this model replaces the Adafruit GPS shield kit with this assembled shield that comes with an Ultimate GPS module....

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Adafruit WINC1500 WiFi Shield with PCB Antenna

Adafruit WINC1500 WiFi Shield with PCB Antenna

Description Connect your Arduino-compatible to the Internet with this WiFi shield that features the FCC-certified ATWINC1500 module from Atmel. This...

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Light and temperature data-logger pack

Light and temperature data-logger pack

Description: Adafruit worked hard to make a well-designed data logger shield for Arduino that is inexpensive but a well-rounded design. Not only is...
$23.95  $21.95
Save: 8% off

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Adafruit Music Maker MP3 Shield For Arduino (mp3/Ogg/Wav)

Adafruit Music Maker MP3 Shield For Arduino (mp3/Ogg/Wav)

Description: Bend all audio files to your will with the Adafruit Music Maker shield for Arduino! This powerful shield features the VS1053, an...

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Adafruit Proto Shield for Arduino

Adafruit Proto Shield for Arduino

This is a great prototyping shield. It works with NG, Diecimila and Duemilanove Arduinos. Check out these awesome specifcations: It has a nice...
Sale: $7.50
Save: 50% off

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Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Shield - I2C interface

Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Shield - I2C interface

You want to make a cool Arduino robot, maybe a hexapod walker, or maybe just a piece of art with a lot of moving parts. Or maybe you want to drive a...

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Adafruit Wave Shield for Arduino Kit - v1.1

Adafruit Wave Shield for Arduino Kit - v1.1

Adding quality audio to an electronic project is surprisingly difficult. Here is a shield for Arduinos that solves this problem. It can play up to...

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Adafruit 12 x Capacitive Touch Shield for Arduino - MPR121

Adafruit 12 x Capacitive Touch Shield for Arduino - MPR121

DESCRIPTION This touch-able add on shield for Arduinos will inspire your next interactive project with 12 capacitive touch sensors. Capacitive touch...

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Retired - Adafruit CC3000 WiFi Shield with Ceramic Antenna

Retired - Adafruit CC3000 WiFi Shield with Ceramic Antenna

The CC3000 hits that sweet spot of usability, price and capability. It uses SPI for communication (not UART!) so you can push data as fast as you...
Sale: $19.98
Save: 50% off

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