The Shifty VU Shield provides easy connection and filtering of audio input for the purpose of developing sound-reactive Arduino projects. It rectifies and smooths stereo audio from a 3.5mm jack, and provides ready to use voltage levels on the Arduino analog pins 2 and 3.
Due to the wide range of possible audio input levels, many options have been provided for scaling the analog inputs correctly. The ADC external reference can be jumpered to 3.3V or to the wiper terminal of a user-supplied potentiometer. If the jumper is removed, the Arduino internal 1.2V reference can be used. Also, each channel has an adjustment potentiometer to fine tune the input levels and balance any offset. A typical useful setup would have the internal reference enabled and both trimpots set to their center positions.
The Shifty VU shield also has an external power terminal and ShiftBrite header, creating a complete solution for driving ShiftBrites, MegaBrites, or ShiftBars in response to music.
This product is constructed with RoHS-compliant components and lead-free solder.
Click here for documentation!
To allow easier use in more types of applications, the female passthrough headers are no longer solder in place. You can install normal 0.1" headers (not included) or long female headers (included).