Lunar Eclipse Montage Dec. 21st 2010
Lunar Eclipse Montage 12212010, originally uploaded by mockba1_1999. Just in case you missed it or it was too cloudy in your area, Flickr user mockba1_1999 uploaded some beautiful photos of the lunar eclipse.
Lunar Eclipse Montage 12212010, originally uploaded by mockba1_1999. Just in case you missed it or it was too cloudy in your area, Flickr user mockba1_1999 uploaded some beautiful photos of the lunar eclipse.
Opening Week, originally uploaded by makerbot. Here is the Drum Kit Kit AI (right side of photo) available at the BotCave store by the folks over at MakerBot. From the MakerBot blog: MakerBot Botcave Store Dec 2, 2010 MakerBot has opened a small popup retail space at our headquarters in Brooklyn.
The Bachelor Guy » Driving 007: A History of Bond Cars [Infographic]. Kinda cool, not just for bachelors I think…
SpikenzieLabs Store, Electronic Products and Accessories.
University student makes a percussion organ. Using PVC pipes. Any attempt at describing this would not be enough. You just have to check it out! – Just awesome talent!.
In 1834, Jean Charles Athanase Peltier discovered that the passage of a current through a junction formed by two dissimilar materials caused a temperature change, Dubbed the “peltier effect”, it was later clarified by Emil Lenz who observed that by passing a current through a bismuth-antimony junction, water could be frozen and that ice could be melted if… Read More »
Havent tested this out yet. But It sure looks cool!! emulare – Arduino Emulator.
Yes! Wouldn’t it be great to go from this: To this? Now you can with Eagle 3D (from after the jump…) Some time ago there was a question in one of the Eagle-Newsgroups if it is possible to translate the 2D-layout into a 3-dimensional view. It was not possible. So I started the development of Eagle3D. After a… Read More »
November 16th 2010, Mc Connell Building McGill University, Montreal Quebec Canada. Sparky, (Severin Smith) Put together a bi-monthly group where electrical engineering students can learn to solder, and get in touch with the practical side of what they’re learning. As official sponsor & supplier of the event, we provided the kits, and are really proud to have been… Read More »
via YouTube – Ark Hotel Construction time lapse building 15 storeys in 2 days.