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SPLixel Controller USB - RGB LED Controller


  • Model: SPL-022005
  • Shipping Weight: 0.025Kg
  • 17 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: SpikenzieLabs

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Description: The SPLixel Controller USB is a USB to WS281x (WS2812 / WS2812B) LED driver. The SPLixel Controller USB can be used with almost any computer (see the list of FTDI drivers link below). SPLixel Controller USB can be used by simply opening a terminal connection on your computer or by writing your own code and use it with a serial connection.

Running the WS281x style LEDs requires precise and fast timing. Achieving the required timing is nearly impossible with a computer. To make this easy, we have designed the SpikenzieLabs SPLixel Controller. The SPLixel Controller USB accepts serial input over a USB cable at 57600 baud, and handles all of the timing required to run the LEDs. As with any of our SPLixel Controllers, you can address any individual LED, or use some of the many built in functions that address all of the LEDs. Fun animations included. Once the SPLixel controller receives its command, your main processor is completely free to do ANYTHING else you want. The SPLixel controller does all of the work running the LEDs. If you have chosen a continuous style function the SPLixel controller will continue to run without any additional commands, until it is told to stop.

  • Drives up to 64 WS2811 style LEDs
  • 57600 baud serial in (default)
  • Power Jumper - USB or DC jack power source
  • Many built in functions
  • Connect to LEDs with screw terminals (included), soldered directly or with 0.1" spaced breadboard compatible pins headers (optional)
Built in functions Include:
  • Shift Up - continuous with speed control
  • Shift Down - continuous with speed control
  • Draw all LEDs same color
  • Draw a single LED - Instant display
  • Draw a single LED - Not displayed
  • Force update of display
  • Dimmer - Dim all LEDs by a percent
  • Blink all LEDs
  • Larson Scanner with color and speed control
  • Rainbow style color fill - with start and end LEDs
  • LED Bar Graph - with color control and up and down speed control
  • Shift In - set color value of first LED all other move by one
  • Shift Up - defined number of steps with speed control
  • Shift Down - defined number of steps with speed control
  • Shift Eight LEDs at once - can be used when running an 8x8 matrix
  • Settable baud rate (9600, 57600 (default) or 115200)
  • Microprocessor: PIC12F1840
  • Speed: 32mhz
  • Full redraw of 64 LEDs in 2.03ms
  • Serial data buffer: 16 bytes
  • Two mounting holes
  • Small size
  • FTDI FT230x USB to Serial Interface
  • Power jumper (Jumper on = power LEDs from USB (MAX 8 LEDs from USB power))
  • SPLixel Controller USB
  • 3-Position Screw Terminals (3.5mm lead pitch)
  • 2.1mm DC jack for power input (5v ONLY)
  • 2 position pin header
  • Shunt jumper
Some assembly required: The SPLixel Controller USB comes pre-programmed and tested. For maximum flexibility, the screw terminals and headers do not come soldered in place. You may choose to; solder them on, solder directly to a LED strip, solder pin headers on for breadboard use etc ...


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