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Product Image Item Name- Price
10K Precision Epoxy Thermistor - 3950 NTC

10K Precision Epoxy Thermistor - 3950 NTC

Description: Need to measure something damp? This epoxy-coated precision 1% 10K thermistor is an inexpensive way to measure temperature in weather or...

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Adafruit 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - MPR121

Adafruit 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - MPR121

Add lots of touch sensors to your next microcontroller project with this easy-to-use 12-channel capacitive touch sensor breakout board, starring the...

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Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Brkout - BNO055

Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Brkout - BNO055

Description: If you've ever ordered and wire up a 9-DOF sensor, chances are you've also realized the challenge of turning the sensor data from an...

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Adafruit ALS-PT19 Analog Light Sensor Breakout

Adafruit ALS-PT19 Analog Light Sensor Breakout

DESCRIPTION Add a teeny analog light sensor, the ALS PT19 analog light sensor is a great way to upgrade a project that uses a photocell and needs...

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Adafruit BMP388 - Precision Baro. Press. and Alti. STEMMA QT

Adafruit BMP388 - Precision Baro. Press. and Alti. STEMMA QT

Description: Bosch has been a leader in barometric pressure sensors, from the BMP085. BMP180, and BMP280... now we've got the next generation,...

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Adafruit EMC2101 I2C PC Fan Controller and Temperature

Adafruit EMC2101 I2C PC Fan Controller and Temperature

Description: Cooling fans...They're everywhere, and they serve the important purpose of keeping things cool, generally electronics. One might...

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Adafruit HTU21D-F Temp & Hum Sensor Breakout - STEMMA QT

Adafruit HTU21D-F Temp & Hum Sensor Breakout - STEMMA QT

Description: It's summer and you're sweating and your hair's all frizzy and all you really want to know is why the weatherman said this morning that...

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Adafruit ISM330DHCX - 6 DoF IMU - Acc + Gyro STEMMA QT / Qwiic

Adafruit ISM330DHCX - 6 DoF IMU - Acc + Gyro STEMMA QT / Qwiic

Description: Behold, the ST ISM330DHCX: an industrial quality Accelerometer+Gyroscope 6-DOF IMUs (inertial measurement unit) from ST. This IMU...

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Adafruit MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temp Sensor Qwiic

Adafruit MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temp Sensor Qwiic

Description: The MCP9808 digital temperature sensor is one of the more accurate/precise we've ever seen, with a typical accuracy of ±0.25°C over...

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Adafruit PCT2075 Temperature Sensor - STEMMA QT / Qwiic

Adafruit PCT2075 Temperature Sensor - STEMMA QT / Qwiic

Description: The Adafruit PCT2075 Temperature Sensor is a 'code compatible' drop-in replacement for a very common I2C temperature sensor, the LM75....

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Adafruit PT100 RTD Temperature Sensor Amplifier - MAX31865

Adafruit PT100 RTD Temperature Sensor Amplifier - MAX31865

Description: For precision temperature sensing, nothing beats a Platinum RTD. Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are temperature sensors that...

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Adafruit Sensirion SHT31-D - Temperature & Humidity Sensor

Adafruit Sensirion SHT31-D - Temperature & Humidity Sensor

Description: Sensirion Temperature/Humidity sensors are some of the finest & highest-accuracy devices you can get. And, finally we have some that...

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Adafruit SGP30 Air Quality Sensor Breakout - VOC+eCO2 Qwiic

Adafruit SGP30 Air Quality Sensor Breakout - VOC+eCO2 Qwiic

Description: Breathe easy with the SGP30 Multi-Pixel Gas Sensor, a fully integrated MOX gas sensor. This is a very fine air quality sensor from the...

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Adafruit TSL2591 High Dynamic Range Digital Light Sensor - QT

Adafruit TSL2591 High Dynamic Range Digital Light Sensor - QT

Description: When the future is dazzlingly-bright, this ultra-high-range luminosity sensor will help you measure it. The TSL2591 luminosity sensor is...

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Adafruit VEML7700 Lux Sensor - I2C Light Sensor - QT / Qwiic

Adafruit VEML7700 Lux Sensor - I2C Light Sensor - QT / Qwiic

Description: Vishay has a lot of light sensors out there, and this is a nice simple lux sensor that's easy to add to any microcontoller. Most light...

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Adafruit VL53L0X Time of Flight Distance Sensor - ~30 to 1000mm

Adafruit VL53L0X Time of Flight Distance Sensor - ~30 to 1000mm

DESCRIPTION: The VL53L0X is a  Time of Flight  distance sensor like no other you've used! The sensor contains a very tiny invisible laser source,...

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Adafruit VL6180X Time of Flight Distance Ranging Sensor (VL6180)

Adafruit VL6180X Time of Flight Distance Ranging Sensor (VL6180)

Description The VL6180X (sometimes called the VL6180) is a Time of Flight distance sensor like no other you've used! The sensor contains a very tiny...

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ADS1015 12-Bit ADC - 4 Channel with Programmable Gain Amplifier

ADS1015 12-Bit ADC - 4 Channel with Programmable Gain Amplifier

Description: For microcontrollers without an analog-to-digital converter or when you want a higher-precision ADC, the ADS1015 provides 12-bit...

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ADXL335 - 5V ready triple-axis accelerometer (+-3g analog out)

ADXL335 - 5V ready triple-axis accelerometer (+-3g analog out)

Description: Adafruit updated their favorite triple-axis accelerometer to now have an on-board 3.3V regulator - making it a perfect choice for...

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ADXL345 - Triple-Axis Accel (+-2g/4g/8g/16g) w/ I2C/SPI Qwiic

ADXL345 - Triple-Axis Accel (+-2g/4g/8g/16g) w/ I2C/SPI Qwiic

Description: Here is a really lovely digital ADXL345 from Analog Devices, a triple-axis accelerometer with digital I2C and SPI interface breakout. We...

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Analog UV Light Sensor Breakout - GUVA-S12SD

Analog UV Light Sensor Breakout - GUVA-S12SD

Description: Extend your light-sensing spectrum with this analog UV sensor module. It uses a UV photodiode, which can detect the 240-370nm range of...

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CAP1188 - 8-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - I2C or SPI

CAP1188 - 8-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - I2C or SPI

Add lots of touch sensors to your next microcontroller project with this easy-to-use 8-channel capacitive touch sensor breakout board, starring the...

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HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sonar Distance Sensor + 2 x 10K resistors

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sonar Distance Sensor + 2 x 10K resistors

Description: Imagine being a dolphin - smoothly gliding through the water. Using your echo-location abilities to detect tasty fish treats. Until...

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HD Magnet Viewing Film - 50x40mm

HD Magnet Viewing Film - 50x40mm

Description: Add extra-sensory powers to your toolkit with this nifty piece of HD Magnet Viewing Film. It's a special film that contains a...

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IR Break Beam Sensors with Premium Wire Header Ends - 3mm LEDs

IR Break Beam Sensors with Premium Wire Header Ends - 3mm LEDs

Description: Infrared (IR) break-beam sensors are a simple way to detect motion. They work by having an emitter side that sends out a beam of...

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MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temperature Sensor Breakout Board

MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temperature Sensor Breakout Board

This I2C digital temperature sensor is one of the more accurate/precise we've ever seen, with a typical accuracy of ±0.25°C over the sensor's...

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Motorized Slide Potentiometer - 10K ohm Linear with 5V DC Motor

Motorized Slide Potentiometer - 10K ohm Linear with 5V DC Motor

Description: This linear slide potentiometer comes with an added kick - its not just a plain old slide pot! Underneath is mounted a slim geared DC...

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MPL3115A2 - I2C Barometric Pressure/Altitude/Temperature Sensor

MPL3115A2 - I2C Barometric Pressure/Altitude/Temperature Sensor

This pressure sensor from Freescale is a great low-cost sensing solution for precision measurement of barometric pressure and altitude. The MPL3115A2...

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Panel Mount Ultrasonic (Sonar) Ranging Module with UART Output

Panel Mount Ultrasonic (Sonar) Ranging Module with UART Output

Description: This sleek looking 'button' is actually an ultrasonic sensor, ready for panel mount use. Inside is a module that uses high frequency...

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Photo cell (CdS photoresistor)

Photo cell (CdS photoresistor)

Description: CdS cells are little light sensors. As the squiggly face is exposed to more light, the resistance goes down. When it's light, the...

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PIR (motion) sensor

PIR (motion) sensor

Description: PIR sensors are used to detect motion from pets/humanoids from about 20 feet away (possibly works on zombies, not guaranteed). This one...

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Platinum RTD Sensor - PT100 - 3 Wire 1 meter long

Platinum RTD Sensor - PT100 - 3 Wire 1 meter long

Description: For precision temperature sensing, nothing beats a Platinum RTD. Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are temperature sensors that...

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Round Force-Sensitive Resistor (FSR) - 0.3 ~ 10 Newton Force

Round Force-Sensitive Resistor (FSR) - 0.3 ~ 10 Newton Force

Description: FSRs are sensors that allow you to detect physical pressure, squeezing and weight. They are simple to use and low cost. This sensor is...

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Standalone Toggle Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - AT42QT1012

Standalone Toggle Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - AT42QT1012

Description: This breakout board is the simplest way to create a project with a single "toggle" capacitive touch sensor. No microcontroller is...

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Thermocouple Amplifier with 1-Wire Breakout Board - MAX31850K

Thermocouple Amplifier with 1-Wire Breakout Board - MAX31850K

Description: Thermocouples are very sensitive, requiring a good amplifier with a cold-compensation reference. So far Adafruit has had a very nice...

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Ultra Tiny USB Camera with GC0307 Sensor

Ultra Tiny USB Camera with GC0307 Sensor

Description: This unbelievably small USB camera is great for embedded projects that have USB host support for standard UVC cameras, and not a lot of...

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Ultra-Slim Round Fingerprint Sensor and 6-pin Cable

Ultra-Slim Round Fingerprint Sensor and 6-pin Cable

Description: Secure your project with biometrics - this adorably tiny, all-in-one, optical fingerprint sensor will make adding fingerprint detection...

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