Description: This kit contains all of the essential parts needed to start learning and using the Arduino.
In putting this kit together we sat back and thought back to our first time using an Arduino. We thought, "What did we first use with the Arduino?", and "What would someone just starting out need as basic essentials?" Here is what we came up with;
- Arduino UNO R3
- Mini Breadboard Chef's choice: Comes in; White, Black, Blue, Green or Red.
- Premium quality 6" M/M jumper wires. Set of ten.
- USB Cable
- 5x 3mm Red LEDs
- 2x Mini Push button Switch
- 25x Resistors Five each; 220ohm, 470ohm, 1k, 4.7k and 10k
- 2x Huge 10mm LEDs
No soldering required. This kit contains jumper wires and a solderless breadboard. A computer is all you need to program the Arduino. Depending on availability, the kit may contain a surface mount Arduino UNO. They are functionally equivalent.
Checkout the Arduino Home Page, here you can download the Arduino software for Mac OS, Windows or Linux, find reference materials and example Arduino Sketches.