Retired - Danger Shield


  • Model: DEV-10570
  • Shipping Weight: 0.14Kg
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Sparkfun

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Description: The Danger Shield mounts on top of your Arduino and equips it with a variety of fun and useful inputs and outputs. The Danger Shield has so much potential; we can't wait to see what you're able to do with it! The shield's features include:

  • Three linear slide potentiometers connected to the Arduino's analog pins 0 through 2.
  • Red and yellow LEDs connected to digital pins 5 and 6 - PWM pins - so you can easily vary their brightness.
  • Three momentary push buttons connected up to the Arduino's digital pins 10 through 12. Those lines will go low when the buttons are pressed.
  • A photocell and a temperature sensor, both with analog outputs, are connected to the analog pins 3 and 4, respectively.
  • An 8-bit shift register set up to control a blue 7-segment LED.
  • A buzzer - so you can get sound out of your Arduino
  • Capacitive Touch pad - Using the CapSense library to sense touch.
This new version uses a different temperature sensor. This product comes as a kit of parts, which you'll have to solder into the included PCB. All parts are through-hole so it should go together relatively easily; but always check your component orientation before soldering!

Kit Includes:

  • 1x PCB Danger Shield Kit
  • 3x Slide Potentiometers - 10K
  • 1x 7-Segment LED - Blue
  • 1x 8-bit Shift Register - 74HC595
  • 1x Temperature Sensor - TMP36
  • 1x Miniature Photocell
  • 1x Buzzer
  • 1x Basic LED - Red
  • 2x Basic LEDs - Yellow
  • 1x Mini Push Button
  • 3x Momentary Push Buttons - 12mm Square
  • 11x Resistors - 330 Ohm
  • 2x Resistors - 10K Ohm
  • 1x Resistor 1M Ohm 1/6W
  • 2x 8-pin Arduino Stackable Headers
  • 2x 6-pin Arduino Stackable Headers


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